Metal container approved in order to safely store and transport damaged and defective batteries
The transition to a sustainable mobility is a reality according with the European political strategies. The increasingly massive spread of vehicles powered by lithium-ion batteries leads us to face the management of the end-of-life lithium batteries and the potential risks connected to them.
In particular conditions, lithium batteries, may become unstable until meeting a thermal runaway and burn themselves. The risk of instability will increase, especially in case of defective or damaged batteries (for instance due to an accident) or if them are placed in un unfit storage ( for example without appropriate security measures for batteries and staff)
So to safely store and transport damaged and defective batteries, currently legislation impose the use of packaging in accordance with special 376 disposal and instruction of packaging P911of ADR agreement.
To meet these particular demand of packaging, Overpack, in cooperation with Cobat, presents the new metal container certified 4A, which was developed in Italy and approved by the German Federal Institute BAM (Bundesanstalt für Materialforschung und –prüfung) ) according with EU regulations.
Thanks to its unique features, this metal certified container represent an effective solution to overcome the specific safety requirements and reduce the risk related to transportation and storage of lithium batteries.