Explosives: divisions and packages for class 1 dangerous goods
To ensure the safe handling and transport of explosives, it is essential to use packaging specifically designed to contain and protect explosives during their movement. These packages must comply with strict regulations and safety standards to avoid unwanted accidents and dangers for anyone coming into contact with the products.
What is meant by explosives?
When we talk about explosive materials, we are talking about
Explosive materials
Solid or liquid materials (or mixtures of materials) which are susceptible, by chemical reaction, to develop gases at a temperature, pressure and speed such that they may cause damage in the vicinity.
Pyrotechnic materials
Materials or mixtures of materials intended to produce a heating, luminous, sound, gaseous or smoke effect or a combination thereof, as a result of exothermic chemical reactions, self-sustaining, non-detonating.
Explosive objects
objects containing one or more explosive or pyrotechnic materials
Materials and articles not mentioned above
Manufactured for the purpose of producing a practical explosive or pyrotechnic effect
Dangerous goods are divided into 9 categories, each material or object having explosive properties is assigned to Class 1, the division of competence to the compatibility group
Definition of divisions
Division 1.1
Materials and articles which present a mass explosion hazard.
Division 1.2
Materials and articles which present a danger of projection without the risk of explosion in mass.
Division 1.3
Materials and articles which present a fire hazard, with slight danger of air movement or projection or both, but without danger of mass explosion
Division 1.4
Materials and articles presenting a reduced risk of explosion in the event of ignition or ignition during transport. The effects are essentially confined to the neck and do not normally result in the projection of fragments of appreciable size or at a considerable distance. An external fire must not cause the almost total contents of the package to explode almost instantly.
Division 1.5
Very low sensitivity materials which are liable to explosion in mass and whose sensitivity is such that, under normal conditions of transport, there is only a very slight probability of initiation or transition from combustion to detonation. The minimum condition is that they shall not explode during the external fire test.
Division 1.6
Extremely insensitive objects not involving a mass explosion hazard. These articles contain mainly materials which are extremely insensitive and have a negligible probability of accidental ignition or propagation.
Definition of compatibility groups for materials and objects
- A Primary explosive material
- B An object containing a primary explosive with less than two effective safety devices
- C Propellant explosive or other explosive material which detonates or contains such explosive material.
- D Secondary explosive, or black powder or object containing a secondary explosive, in all cases without any means of ignition or propellant charge, or an object containing a primary explosive with at least two effective safety devices.
- E An object containing a secondary explosive, detonating, without means of ignition, with propellant charge.
- F An object containing a secondary explosive, with its own means of ignition, with propellant charge.
- G Pyrotechnic matter or object containing a pyrotechnic matter or object containing simultaneously an explosive matter and a illuminating, incendiary, tear-gas or smoke-producing substance.
- H Object containing both an explosive substance and white phosphorus.
- J Object containing both an explosive substance and a flammable liquid or gel.
- K Object containing both an explosive substance and a toxic chemical agent.
- L Explosive material or object containing an explosive material and presenting a particular hazard, requiring isolation of any kind.
- N Objects containing mainly extremely insensitive materials.
- S Material or article packed or designed in such a way as to limit any dangerous effect within the package due to accidental operation unless the package has not been damaged by fire, in which case any effects of air displacement or projection are sufficiently reduced to not significantly complicate or prevent fire-fighting and other emergency measures in the immediate vicinity of the neck.
The competent authority which assigns an object or matter to Class 1 shall confirm this classification in writing to the applicant.
The advantage of using our explosives-approved packaging
Overpack’s approved packaging offers several advantages for the safe transport of explosive objects and materials. The main benefits are:
1. Compliance with national and international regulations
Overpack approved packaging is designed to meet the regulations for the transport of dangerous goods (ADR, RID, IMDG, ICAO-TI/IATA, part I of the "Manual of tests and criteria" as well as ISO, NATO and STANAG standards). This ensures that the transport is safe and compliant with applicable laws, reducing the risk of penalties.
2. Protection against shock and damage
These packages are made of durable materials and tested to withstand shock, vibration and compression. This protects explosives from physical damage that could cause accidents during transport.
3. Safety against accidental ignition
Overpacks are designed to minimize the risk of accidental ignition of explosive materials, by using insulation systems that reduce contact with heat sources, sparks or potentially hazardous external agents.
4. Hermetic closures
These packages often include airtight closures that prevent potentially hazardous vapours or dust from escaping, protecting both the transport personnel and the environment.
5. Versatility and adaptability
Overpacks are available in different types and sizes, allowing you to transport various categories of explosive materials. This flexibility allows the same type of packaging to be used for different logistics needs, simplifying management and reducing costs.
In summary, the use of approved overpack packaging for explosives transport is essential to ensure safety, regulatory compliance, and integrity of content, while minimizing the risks associated with this type of dangerous goods.